If you wish to work as a Chartered Administrator in Public Practice offering your own services direct to the public, you will be required to be a member of the Institute  and hold an appropraite practicing certificate, Seal and Stamp. This requires further training within public practice, after being admitted to membership. Practising Licence empowers

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PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIVERSITIES 1.0 Introduction The Institute has successfully introduced two career-oriented programmes, in partnership with some Universities. The programmes are briefly stated below. 1.1 Undergraduate Professional Development The objective of this programme is to enable 400-Level (final year) Undergraduates studying administration-related disciplines to qualify as Chartered Administrators (ACIA) at the same time as graduating

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Membership in the Institute is by passing the Instute’s professional examination, or other examinations which meet the Institute’s educational requirement for admission to membership, in addition to satisfying the practical experience requirement.

ACIA Professional Examination

Its objectives are to:

  • Provide for the Institute, together with the practical experience requirements, an adequate basis for assuring society that those admitted to membership are competent to act as Chartered Administrators for entities whether in munufacturing, commercial or service organizations, in the public or private sector of the economy
  • Enable the Institute to examine whether prospective members have an adequate knowledge, understanding, and mastering of the stated body of knowledge and skills
  • Complement the Institute’s practical experience requirements

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